Review: Kasey Bell's Book: Shake Up Learning

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I have to confess, as much as I love to read, professional books are not my cup-of-tea, but I decided I would take a chance on this one. For me, reading this book was like listening to an old friend. I loved every minute of it. I love and rely on Kasey Bell’s website and the Google Teacher Tribe Podcast to keep up-to-date on all things Google and ed tech related. 

Kasey’s book, Shake Up Learning, is organized into three parts. The first part explains in clear, friendly prose why we teachers need to change the way we teach. Ultimately, this part is a call to action, a call for teachers to reflect and make a thoughtful and meaningful change in our teaching practice.  Part two leads the reader to a thorough understanding of what dynamic learning is and how it differs from traditional (static) learning. Part three encourages teachers to rethink the way we plan our lessons to fit the Dynamic Learning model. Kasey includes real-world examples of dynamic learning experiences and a planning guide to get us started.

At the end of each chapter, Kasey includes thoughtful discussion questions and Chapter Actions. These helped me to focus my thoughts and gave me practical suggestions on what to do next. The accompanying website has links to all of the resources mentioned in the book.This book would be a good choice for a school book study. 

I received a free review copy for my honest review.


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