Kasey Bell's new book, Shake Up Learning is coming soon! #superexcited

Shake Up Learning book cover
Shake Up Learning cover
Have you ever had a professional book grab you from the beginning? I hadn't unit I started reading Kasey Bell's new book Shake Up Learning, I love this book so much, I just had to share before I have even finished reading it, I am loving what I have read so far. 
Kasey is best known for her website,  ShakeUpLearning.com, that is filled with insightful practical posts about using educational technology and the Google Teacher Tribe podcast. But if you are looking for a compilation of her posts, you will be disappointed because that isn't what her book is about.
Shake Up Learning is about dynamic teaching (pedagogy) so your students can be dynamic learners. Kasy's book is making me rethink how I teach. I really want to make learning in my classroom more dynamic  Don't worry, Kasey does integrate practical technology tips that you can easily insert into your lessons. Ultimately, this book is about teaching and learning, not technology.
will go on presale on Amazon this week. Publication is scheduled for April 4th. My full review will post later this week with links to Amazon.  #shakeuplearning #macchyvertech #gttribe #shakeuplearningbook


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